Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Secret success factors each Weight Loss plan should

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There's Some Secrets to Losing Weight that Almost Nobody Knows About (Except a Few, Elite Gurus)... That Once in Your Hands... Can Make Weight Loss Frustrations Disappear Within a Few Days of Discovering These Secrets! This is the basis of many weight loss coaching programmes. Personal coaching can provide vital information & feedback on your daily diet, fitness & lifestyle habits and personal challenges. You can rise to the challenge of changing your body, doing it in a way that feels great, and taking power over your weight, your eating and your health.

The results speak for themselves. Studies show that people who join a coaching programme or some kind of education-based slimming club are far more successful than those who try to lose weight on their own. In this article, I reveal my top mental and practical strategies behind my own coaching programme results that enable you to achieve effective, long term FAT LOSS. Having this kind of guidance when you embark on a diet or weight loss plan can genuinely change the way you think about your body, mind and lifestyle habits and give you success in more ways than lbs lost! It's much tougher going it alone.

For example, you need to understand:

- Ways in which your mind can play tricks on you & how to retrain your brain - The secrets that most diets & personal trainers fail to talk about - and it ends up sabotaging the dieter to ultimate failure!

- The most effective ways to lose weight and KEEP it off based on lowering calories without switching off fat burning or destroying lean muscle.

- What kinds of foods to include in your meal plan so that you include all the vital range of nutrients and avoid hunger and cravings setting in. It is possible to continue to eat the foods you love and still lose weight (whoever said you had to starve yourself in order to lose pounds was totally misinformed).

- How to start integrating fitness activities into your week and the kinds of exercises that give you maximum fat burn.

- Simple ways to review your progress & build on both success AND failure.

I recommend five key elements for a successful coaching programme for weight loss:


You know, it's not always easy to get your body to do what you want it to - that is LOSE FAT! For sure, calories are important - you need to reduce or burn calories to lose weight for sure. But there are certain foods that can make it easier or harder to diet. Some fill you up more and for longer, others give you constant cravings. And there are certain types of fitness activities that burn more fat than others.

Over the past 4-5 years I've gone a much different path than many of the diet "experts" you've probably seen online. While most people are creating courses and ebooks to teach people how to lose weight fast where they can sell the product once then move on to their next launch, I found what was most effective is to get more personal support.

Personal coaching really makes a difference to people's long term success. A coach will work directly with you, from the comfort of your own home, one-on-one to help increase your chances of success. Often nutritional products are key component of a personal coaching programme as they take some of the guess work out of daily nutritional requirements, at least in the early stages.

There are many diets that work, in that you lose weight (not always fat mind you, so make sure you are measuring not just weighing!!!), at least in the short tem, but at the same time, they each have some potentially fatal flaws that kept almost every "normal" person from succeeding long term with any of them!

Most of the time, a coach's ideas are shamelessly borrowed from different diet programmes and research studies - things that are proven to work for a majority of people or for specific needs, such as people with diabetes, thyroid, PCOS and other conditions that challenge weight control. Tactics are learned from personally and working with real people to lose weight and coaching offers the flexibility to adapt to an individual's personal needs, preferences and past challenges, rather than a one-diet-fits-all.

I believe strongly that in order to lose weight long term, you must start to learn about yourself, your eating and your daily activity and review your habits and results in an informed way. This learning process doesn't have to take too long, but it should be a continuing cycle if you are to break old 'bad' habits and develop new 'healthy' ones.

I wanted to share the importance of personal coaching for this. BECAUSE Weight Loss Coaching obliterates ALL of the roadblocks that hold normal people back from losing weight and keeping it off long term AND because it's SO easy and SO fast to get started.

Weight loss coaching gives you access to professional expertise. Coaches are dedicated to helping others to achieve long term weight control through highly personalised advice and support. They have many many case studies to draw on from their client base, it's not just theoretical.

So where might you find a weight loss coach?

A personal trainer?

Just go down to your local gym and talk to a few about weight loss and you'll find that only a few will mention the importance of diet, most will talk about workouts, cardio, interval training if they're in the know. Some personal trainers have undertaken additional courses in nutrition so they understand the basics, possibly more. They may have experience in helping people lose weight, but generally they focus on the daily activity and fitness elements of your wellness. Given that weight loss for most people needs to rely on 80% about diet, it's not enough to only sort out the 20% exercise side. Personal trainers are also far less likely to be able to help in a counselling kind of manner to work with you to identify some of the more challenging social or psychological reasons behind eating and weight management.

A psychologist?

Yes, as obviously many of our weight control problems originate in our heads! But regular appointments can get expensive. You may need several sessions before you identify what's behind your weight or eating problems. More still to get close to some of the mind games you may play on yourself and even longer to overcome them and understand and manage the trigger foods or trigger situations that can lead to overeating or poor meal planning/snacking. These are things that take time to explore and to counteract and work on.

A hypotherapist?

Yes, this can help enormously for people who know what their main cause is for weight gain or lack of weight loss - i.e. something you can't stop eating or drinking. Again, it can be expensive. Tapes and CDs can useful and a cheaper alternative, but it's trial and error getting a programme that suits your specific needs - they are usually very generic messages. One of the problems many people face is finding the 'quiet' time to sit or lie down and plug in in order for the hyponotic re-conditioning to work properly. In fact, isn't finding time often one of the biggest problems and why people's eating habits have slid?

A weight loss adviser?

Definitely. But do your homework. If you look in the yellow pages or the web, you'll find a whole bunch of listings under Diet & Fitness, Weight Loss, but clubs and advisers are not all created equally. Some simply run slimming clubs or distribute products as a way of earning a bit of part time money. Nothing wrong with that, but they don't always see it as a 'profession ' with the study and skills development required. Weight loss advisers may have some knowledge and experience, but may not understand why some things work with some people - so the advice can again, be either quite generic or a bit hit or miss.

So hunt around a little bit. Ask questions... with 'coaching' firmly in mind.

What you're looking for is someone whose primary business is in weight loss coaching, ideally a one-to-one basis if they generally work in groups, so you know they have the right skills and time to work with you on a personal level. They should be able to draw on a wide range of experience of helping people lose weight. You might check what kinds of qualifications or training they have done and how they like to work with clients. You should get the feeling that they understand people and how to motivate and encourage rather than instruct or scold, how they celebrate success and help you deal with challenges.

When I surveyed those that had used my own coaching programme several months after they started, I found out that the success rate for keeping the weight off and maintaing target weight was over 200% GREATER than customers who just bought the nutritional pack and did not sign up for the coaching! Let me ask you this... Wouldn't it have been great to have been a "fly on the wall" during those coaching sessions, to hear about what really works? We revealed a LOT of "high level" actionable techniques you won't hear in any ebooks, weight loss forums or slimming meetings.

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